Weather Tightness Problems in Homes
All houses are capable of leaking if not built correctly but some houses in particular may present weathertightness problems. If a house was built or had major renovations after the early 1990’s some features are known to increase the risk of leaking:
monolithic claddings, including texture coated fibre cement, EIFS (polystyrene boards with a plaster and paint finish), and stucco
more than one cladding system used on the house
lack of roof overhang or eaves
complicated roof design
balconies, particulary above rooms
internal gutters
wall claddings in contact with the ground
lack of flashings (waterproofing strips) to windows and doors
parapets without sloped tops or adequate cap flashings
These features may not allow adequately for deflection or drainage of water unless particular care is taken in the design or construction. If you are interested in a home that has these types of features then a comprehensive inspection is essential. The inspector will look particularly for signs of water damage or potential leaks using a non-invasive moisture scanner around walls, exterior doors and windows and find areas of high moisture level. When using thermal imaging equipment in conjunction with our moisture testing equipment the inspector has the ability to scan all walls and ceilings and can detect plumbing leaks, roof leaks through windows, doors, flashings and gutter leaks –all of which may cause water ingress in to your walls, cavities, under floor heating leaks, moisture, heat loss and air leakage.